The CARES Act was recently passed by Congress. This act granted $17.2 billion to the Veteran Affairs office. This money helped the nonprofit Help Heal Veterans create therapeutic craft kits for veterans. Help Heal Veterans is based in California and was founded by Joe McClain, a Navy veteran.
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The first Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) was formed in 2008 in Buffalo NY by the Honorable Robert Russell who saw increasing numbers of veterans coming into his Drug and Mental Health Courts. He worked with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and local veterans organizations to create a docket that specifically deals with veterans involved in the justice system.
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As a veteran, you may experience difficult mental and emotional challenges upon leaving the military. No matter how big or small your problem may be, we’re here to help you find the resources you need to cope with unique experiences and stressors that veterans face.
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Post-deployment can be a difficult time, but you don’t have to go it alone. Instead of trying to deal with the stress by yourself, consider seeking services provided by Operation Rubix. With these services and the following tips, you can work through post-deployment stress.
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If you are a veteran, active military member, or a family member of a military member, it is possible that you are dealing with stress. Stress related to the military is difficult to deal with, but there are treatments available that can help you and your family experience relief. For example, a study has confirmed that military family counseling works.
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At Operation Rubix, our goal is to connect veterans and military members to mental health care resources. If you or a loved one is experiencing mental health problems related to serving in the military, consider alternative methods. Have you tried rapid resolution therapy? If not, read on to learn all about it.
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Operation Rubix is dedicated to providing veterans and military members with mental healing. Our mission is to help veterans through their struggles with access to therapeutic services and counseling. Individual therapy and group therapy sessions are two ways we aim to help veterans. Learn more about group therapy options from Operation Rubix by reading on.
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The physical health of our Sarasota area veterans is important, but just as critical is the mental health of those veterans who have suffered trauma. Effective treatments are available for a wide range of mental health issues, but the veteran needs to take action to seek them. They need to work with their doctor or mental health professional to determine which treatments are the most effective for them, as the success of each treatment will vary by individual.
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If you or someone you love is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you may be curious to know when it is time to get help. Some individuals are hesitant about getting help for their PTSD, whether they feel they don’t need help or they don’t understand how help can benefit them. For further details related to when to get help for PTSD, just continue reading.
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One of the therapy techniques offered to local veterans from Operation Rubix is Adlerian Therapy. Our therapist Robyn LaPorta, MA is a registered mental health counseling intern who provides counseling through individual and group therapy sessions.
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